
10 Sea Turtle Day Activities

Today I’m sharing 10 world sea turtle day activities that you can do with your students. In this blog post I’ll also be discussing what ‘World Sea Turtle Day’ is, when and why it’s important for us to teach our students about turtles. At the bottom of this blog post are links to different activities for you to download and use with your students.

What is Sea Turtle Day?

Sea Turtle Day, also known as World Sea Turtle Day, is celebrated annually on June 16th. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the conservation and protection of sea turtles and their habitats.

Sea turtles are important to our ecosystem because they help maintain a healthy balance in the marine food chain. They also play a crucial role in promoting the growth of sea grass beds, which provide a habitat for many other marine species.

Why Teach Our Students About Turtles?

Some reasons why it is important for us to teach our students about sea turtles are;

  • helps them understand the significance of these animals and their role in the environment
  • gain a better understanding of the impact humans have on the environment
  • learn about the steps that can be taken to protect and conserve these amazing creatures
  • students can develop a greater appreciation for these animals and become advocates for their protection.

How to Teach

Some ways to teach students about sea turtles include;

  • classroom activities
  • field trips to turtle nesting sites or aquariuams
  • virtual field trips
  • eduational videos or documentaries
  • fiction and non-fiction books.

Overall, Sea Turtle Day serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting our oceans and the animals that call them home. By teaching students about sea turtles, we can inspire the next generation to take action and make a positive impact on our environment.

Here are 10 activities that you can use with your students this World Sea Turtle Day;

1. Counting Turtles

Use turtle figurines or pictures to teach counting and basic addition and subtraction. Have students count the turtles, group them together, and add or subtract turtles to practice math skills.

2. Turtle Homes

Teach your students about the different habitats where turtles live. Discuss the different types of turtles and their adaptations to their environment. Have your students create their own turtle homes using materials like clay or cardboard.

3. Turtle Stories; Fiction and Non-Fiction

Read books about turtles or have students write their own turtle stories. Encourage them to use descriptive language and include facts they’ve learned about turtles.

4. The History of Turtles

Teach your students about the history of turtles and how they’ve evolved over time. Discuss the different species of turtles and their characteristics. Have your students create a timeline of the different turtles.

5. Turtle Maps

Teach your students about the different areas of the world where turtles can be found. Have them create maps of these regions and mark where different turtle species can be found.

6. Crafts and Art Projects

Use turtle figurines or pictures to create turtle-themed art projects. Have students draw or paint their own turtles and decorate them with materials like glitter or feathers.

7. Turtle Food

Teach your students about the different foods that turtles eat. Have them create their own turtle snacks using healthy ingredients like fresh fruits and vegetables.

8. Turtle Races

Use toy turtles to create a fun and active turtle race. Have your students race their turtles across a table or floor and record the winner.

9. Conservation

Teach your students about the importance of turtle conservation and how they can help protect these animals. Discuss the different threats to turtles and ways to prevent them.

10. Observations

Have your students observe live turtles if possible or watch videos of turtles in their natural habitats. Have them record their observations and discuss what they’ve learned.

Links and Downloads

Below are links to different activities that you can download to use that are all about turtles.

I hope that you found this blog post helpful today. If you did find it helpful and informative, please consider sharing it with your friends and colleagues on social media.



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