
Bear Pancakes

These bear pancakes are the perfect addition to your Goldilocks Fairytale theme or even as part of your Teddy Bear Picnic! They are quick and easy to make… Plus, if you don’t have access to cooking facilities in your classroom, you can just buy pre-made pancakes to use!

Read on below to find out what you need and how you can make these bear pancakes with your students too.

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Ingredients Needed

  • Pancake (Either pre-made or you can bake them fresh.)
  • Banana.
  • Blueberries.
  • Chocolate spread.


  1. Pee and slice your banana into thin strips.
  2. Lay a pancake in the middle of a paper plate.
  3. Place two banana slices on top of the pancake on each side like ears.
  4. Spread some chocolate spread on one of the banana ears.
  5. Place a banana slice in the middle of the pancake for a nose and above to the left for an eye patch.
  6. Use a small amount of chocolate spread to stick a blueberry on the middle of the banana nose and on the right as an eye.
  7. Then, spread chocolate spread on the banana eye and place a blueberry on top.

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