Don’t Say It! Ice Breaker Game for Back to School
The start of the year can be an exciting but scary time. Especially for ours students who may be nervous. That’s why we love to use this ice breaker game with our higher ability students.
It’s a great resource to use during your first few days of school. And it will help your students feel more relaxed, comfortable and confident in their surroundings. It’s also great for starting to form relationships.
However, it’s also a great game to keep going all year around. Your students are going to love it! And it will be great to pull out during those gaps in time – plus they’ll be having fun AND learning!
This game can be done in pairs, small groups or even as a whole class activity. It’s up to you and your students. Plus it’s comes in black and white as well. So you can print whichever you would prefer.
Alphabet Skills
The game has also got the alphabet included. There is a card for every letter of the alphabet – meaning a total of 26 cards. This can also be added into the game as well if you feel your students are able to. I.e start with the person who has letter A, then B etc.
The main idea of the game is for each student to be given a card (or more if there are left overs). Then, they have to read the word that they have – but don’t say it!! And then use different words to try and describe what they have. While other students listen to their clues and trying to guess. Each card also comes with some example words at the bottom to help students if they get stuck.
If you like the look of this ice breaker game, you can try it with your students here.