Free End of Year Classroom Cleaning Checklist

Are you looking for a free end of year classroom cleaning checklist? If so, you are in the right place!

Why Use a Cleaning Checklist?

It can be really overwhelming at the end of the school year with all of the things that you need to get done. And while we know it’s best to delegate some tasks to our staff to help us get it all done.. Sometimes, it’s finding the time to write down or speak to our team about what exactly needs doing.

And that’s one of the reasons that I created this checklist!

I love using this checklist every year because;

  1. It allows me to see everything that needs doing, and to get the satisfaction as I tick off as I go along.
  2. There’s less chance of me forgetting something. Trust me when I say there’s nothing worse than going back to your classroom after a 2 month break to a very dodgy looking banana that got forgotten about!
  3. Your staff will have a place to go to find out what jobs they can do. This is perfect if they have a spare 10-15 minutes while you are busy doing something with students. Staff can look through the checklist and find something to do.
  4. Helps keep you organized. You don’t want to have a member of staff complete one cleaning activity, only for another member of staff to not realize, and try to do that exact same one. There’s nothing worse than double the time spent on the same task!
  5. It also allows students to get involved and help too. Students can help by throwing out dry glue sticks.. Or broken crayons. Then tick them off once those jobs are finished.

I Want It!

If you’re ready to get the end of the school year cleaning started.. And you’re ready to be super organized.. Here is the link for you to download a free copy of the cleaning checklist.

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