How to Do It All as an Autism Parent

If you’re here, you’re probably struggling to juggle everything in your life right now. That’s ok. I think it’s safe to say that every parent finds it hard to juggle life. But, as a parent of an autistic child, we all know it’s that little bit harder.

If you’re anything like me, there’s a few main things that you just can’t juggle – or end up forgetting about – and that’s ok. I’m here to help you out with my top 3 things that I end up not being able to juggle. But, not only am I sharing with you my top 3. I’m going to tell you what I’ve done to make those 3 easier for me to manage, and turn me into a great friend again!

Friend Dates

You know how everyone makes plans to go out for coffee, or invites friends around to the house. That’s pretty hard for us autism parents, huh? I mean, it’s not like we can just invite everyone around to the house for coffee. Or, it’s not like we can just go and visit others with our kiddo in tow. Or, the dreaded going out somewhere – where are we going to find a babysitter from?


1. If you have a partner, arrange a time once a month where each of you gets a break away. Start small. This can start at just an hour. Enough time for you to go have a quick catch up and coffee with your friends.

2. If the weather is nice in the summer, many of our kiddos like to be outside, especially if there’s a swimming pool around! Start small and invite one friend around. Explain to them about your child and any sensitivities they have. Honestly, good friends will always try and understand and they’ll probably fall in love with your child as much as you do!

3. Talk to your child’s school and see if any of the members of staff do babysitting. Many members of staff are usually looking for some extra money, and the plus side is – they know your child, and your child knows them!

4. Plan in advance, or set up something regular. That way you can get your child used to a routine or event in advance and know that you aren’t going to be around for an hour or two that night.

5. Family. If you are lucky enough to have family around you who are happy to help, ask them if they’ll consider making a monthly commitment to have your child for a few hours. This is great for both of you to have time apart, but it also gives your child the chance to spend time with family members.


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just get consumed. Consumed with daily goings-on. Consumed with our kiddos. That means it’s usually only because of good old facebook sending me a reminder that I remember a birthday! Not good when you don’t have time – or the ability – to nip out and get a card or gift. But, don’t worry. Over the years I’ve found many tricks for this.


1. You know how every post-Christmas you get those great sales online? Stock up. Seriously, grab some presents that can be given for birthdays throughout the year and store them in a box on top of your wardrobe or attic. If you have good friends or family members, find something that you know they love and get it ready. It’s best to have it all ready to hand out.

2. Send online cards. Seriously, this has changed my life. I mean, I knew about the sites where you can send the samey-samey cards that looked ok. But recently, I discovered Paperless Post. This website has changed my life. Not only can I send birthday cards on here, I can send every type of card or invitation that I could possibly need. It’s also been helpful for my business where I can send thank you cards or event details. It’s easy to navigate around, quick to send and the cards look great. I mean, they even have Kate Spade cards! Don’t just take my word for it – go and check them out!

3. Get a wall calendar and add all your dates and details to it. Make a note to check on the next month at the start of each month so you know what’s coming up and you can get organised in advance. Best of all, this website makes out like I definitely did NOT forget about anything – in fact, everyone comments on how amazing the cards are. You can even customise the background and envelope that it goes in!

School Events

You know how many events go on in schools, especially for our kiddos. But, on top of that we have all the other appointments and events too. It can be a nightmare trying to remember it all – and remember to telling your partner about them or family members. I don’t know how many times I forgot an appointment or event. Or, how many times I forgot to mention an appointment. So, how did I move forward? Read below.


1. Get a wall calendar in the house. I know I keep on about this, but once you start writing events onto it, and everyone gets used to looking at the calendar, things will get a lot easier.

2. Digital. We live in a world where everything is pretty much digital now, and our phone is one of our best communication devices. With our iPhones, we now link up all our events on calendars. When I add an event/appointment, I can instantly share it with my partner or family members. Then, I set up two reminders – one for 7 days before and one for 2 days before. This helps me plan for the week if I need anything sorting, and just a general reminder.

How do you try and juggle everything? Do you have any tricks for staying organised and juggling it all? Let me know in the comments below. Don’t forget, you can sign up for our free self-care challenge taking place on 1st February. It’s aimed at teachers but it can be adapted for ANYONE!

How to do it all as an autism parent.

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