
Picture Books with Autistic Characters

In this blog post today I’m sharing some picture books with autistic characters. I love to make sure that my library is as inclusive as possible.. But also provides ample learning opportunities. As part of autism acceptance month, I figured now was a great time to share a list of picture books with autistic characters in them.

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1. How Are You, Verity?

In this book, Verity plans an experiment to figure out when people ask “How are you?” are they really asking or are they just saying hello?

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2. A Day With No Words

This book is written from the perspective of inside a boy’s mind who is non-verbal.

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3. Next Level

This book is adorable. It’s written from the perspective of an autistic child’s mother. Her love letter to her son invites us to level up and see the world in new limitless dimensions.

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4. Masterpiece

In this book, Samuel creates a piece of art as part of a classroom project. His masterpiece shows the way that he looks at the world.

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5. It Was Supposed to Be Sunny

This book is perfect for working on understanding changes in routine and the effects it can have on children.

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6. Too Sticky!

Holly’s class are making slime and she is very worried! Slime is sticky and Holly doesn’t like sticky. But this book shows us how we can provide accommodations, support and encouragement to give things a try in a way that works for them.

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7. I Am Odd. I Am New

This book is by 10 year old Benjamin Giroux and his poem about what it is like to live with autism.

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8. Bitsy Bat School Star

Bitsy is a bat and really wants to make friends at her new school… But she feels like she doesn’t fit in. She does things differently to others and everyone tells her she is doing things wrong..

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9. Flap Your Hands

Follow this book to find out more about stimming and the ways that the different children in this book calm and regulate themselves.

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10. Remarkable Remy

This story follows Remy and it helps to explain the autistic brain. This book is perfect for helping children understand how unique and wonderful our neurodivergent friends are.

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11. My Brother Otto

This book follows Piper and her little brother, Otto. It describes the differences and quirkiness that Otto has. The book is great for showing how this brother and sister engage in everyday experiences in their own unique ways.

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12. My Brother Otto and the Birthday Party

Following on from My Brother Otto.. This book follows Piper and Otto who are excited to attend a birthday party for their friend Ruthie. Piper talks about what accommodations are needed for Otto, and Ruthie who is also autistic.. For them to feel safe and secure in a new environment.

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13. My Brother Charlie

Charlie has autism and in this book, his big sister tells us all about it. Including all of the things that Charlie is good at.

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14. Charlie Makes a Splash!

This book follows on from ‘My Brother Charlie’ and is all about how much Charlie loves water… Including pools, ponds, sprinkles, the aquarium and even swimming in the ocean.

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15. Benji, the Bad Day and Me

This book is all about Sammy having a bad day. And on the way home from school he finds out his autistic younger brother Benji is having a bad day too.

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16. Henry, Like Always

This book follows Henry as he tries to navigate the ups and downs of changes today where he’s having a parade in his classroom, meaning a change in his routine.

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I hope you find this blog post helpful for finding new picture books to add to your collection. Please consider sharing this post with your friends and colleagues on social media too.

Helpful Links

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Picture Books with Autistic Characters

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