Teacher Immune System Tips for First Year Teachers

Congratulations on starting – or completing – your first year as a teacher. You’ve worked so hard to get here and you should be proud of yourself. You’ve probably prepared for many things in advance. But, did you prepare your immune system? Today I’m talking about teacher immune system tips for first year teachers.

When I first started, I was told to prepare myself for every illness in my first year. I laughed it off. “I have an amazing immune system. I’m never sick” I thought to myself. Oh, how wrong was I. These little ones – I don’t know how they do it. They catch every illness and then pass it on to us!! So, today I’m going to share some tips for how to help strengthen your immune system and get you through your first year as a teacher.

Tips for You

  • Vitamins – you can ask your doctor for the best ones to take or ones that they recommend.
  • Flu shot – I always say I’m going to get this and I never do. Every year I end up with flu. Last year was the worst where I ended up in hospital with a bacterial infection from the flu. Lots of people, including doctors, recommend getting the flu shot if you work with children.
  • Take care of yourself – make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night. If you start to feel run down, take a break, have a nap. Don’t overdo it. Take time for yourself.
  • Eat healthy – don’t overindulge in junk food. Remember to eat vegetables, fruit, protein and a balanced, healthy diet.
  • Drink plenty of fluids – think water, rather than fizzy pop.
  • Hand sanitiser – keep it close by and use it to clean your hands often throughout the day. 
  • Ensure you and your children wash your hands all throughout the day.
  • Change your clothes as soon as you get home. Have a bath/shower and wash your hair. You’ll be surprised how many germs fester in your hair.
  • Take sick days. If you feel sick, take the day off. Don’t try to push through it and work through it. You need to rest and give yourself time to heal and feel better. 
  • Anti bac your room. Ensure the cleaners are thoroughly cleaning desks and chairs. Clean toys – I often take them home and put them into the dishwasher to give them a deep clean! Clean your computer keyboard, mouse, monitor etc.
  • NEVER touch your face. 
  • Teach sickness manners. Encourage children to cover their mouths when coughing, using tissues to sneeze or blow their nose.
  • Exercise.
  • Try to avoid stress. The more you stress, the more run down you’ll start to feel.
  • Avoid processed sugar.
  • If you are constantly getting sick, pay a visit to your doctor. It may be something else underlying like allergies.

Over to You..

I know that you’ll probably want to hear next that after your first year, your immune system will be perfect. To be honest – it will be a lot better than it was. But when your children move up to the next class, and you get new children – be prepared for new germs. Just keep following the tips above, look after yourself, and each year your immune system will get better. 

What do you do to keep yourself healthy and avoid getting sick? I love hearing from you! You can also check out my blog post about teacher burnout.


First Year Teacher Immune System Tips

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