Behaviour Management Resources

Behaviour management resources are essential tools that every special education classroom should have. These resources are designed to help educators effectively manage difficult and challenging behaviours in students with disabilities. With behaviour management resources, teachers can create positive learning environments that promote academic success and positive social interactions. Some of the most important behaviour management resources include visual aids, sensory tools, and positive reinforcement strategies. These resources can help students stay engaged in class and reduce the likelihood of disruptive behaviours, which ultimately leads to a more productive and successful learning experience for everyone involved.

Showing 1–16 of 31 results

  • 2D Shape Brag Tags2D Shape Brag Tags

    2D Shape Brag Tags, Reward System


    These brag tags are a great reward system for you to use within your learning environment for 2D shape recognition. Each page contains 8 brag tags and there are a total of 12 different brag tags included in this resource.

    Simply pop them onto your student’s desks, hand them out when you feel they have been achieved, have individual student ‘brag tag’ books where they can collect them or invest in some lanyards and have them wear ones that they achieve!

  • Sale!

    Autism Classroom, Set Up Your Classroom Pack

    Original price was: £42.00.Current price is: £30.00.

    This Autism Classroom / Special Ed Classroom set up bundle is a great addition to any Autism / Spec Ed classroom. Whether you are starting a new classroom from scratch or looking to update your current classroom with new strategies, this bundle will be perfect for you and your students. Each resource comes with instructions so you are able to implement them and use them in the best possible way in your classroom!

  • Morning and Evening Routine Reward ChartsMorning and Evening Routine Reward Charts

    Autism Morning Routine and Evening Routine Rewards


    These morning and evening routine reward cards are great visuals for the user. The cards will help encourage the user to complete each of their routines. These can be used for getting ready in the morning, or getting ready for bed in the evening.

  • Traffic Light Behaviour PostersVisuals Bundle

    Autism Traffic Light Behaviour Behavior System Editable


    These traffic light behaviour posters are a great way for you to work on behaviour management within your classroom. This system will allow your students to have a visual behaviour management system and know how many chances they have left/have had.

  • Behavior Recording Pack, Behaviour Recording PackBehavior Recording Pack, Behaviour Recording Pack

    Behavior Recording Pack, Behaviour Recording Pack


    This resource contains a variety of different forms for recording and observing behaviours / behaviors.

    The forms in this pack are designed to support you in your learning environment to work with students on their behaviour(s) and support/encourage them.

  • Behaviour Management Feelings FanBehaviour Management Feelings Fan

    Behaviour Management Fan Behavior Fan


    This behaviour / behavior fan is a great way to promote behavior management and feelings in your classroom or learning environment – or even at home! You can attach this fan to your lanyard or in your pocket so that it is portable for you to transport around with you – and use when needed.

  • Behaviour Social StoryBehaviour Social Story

    Behaviour Management, Behavior Management Social Story


    This behaviour management / behavior management themed social story is a great resource to introduce and encourage behaviour management strategies with your students.

    This social story is 22 mini pages long and 11 pages in total. It comes in both spelling options of behaviour / behavior.

  • Behaviour Good v Not Good Sorting CardsBehaviour Good v Not Good Sorting Cards

    Behaviour Sorting Task Cards Behavior


    These task cards are a great way to encourage students to work on understanding positive and negative behaviours. It will give students a visual opportunity to see what the behaviours look like that are included on the task card and then offer them the opportunity to choose whether the behaviour they can see is positive or negative. This can then provide you with the opportunity to discuss what you can see on the task card with your student – why is it good? Why is it not good? How might it make other people feel if we behave that way?

  • Being First in Line Social StoryBeing First in Line Social Story

    Being First in Line Social Story


    This being first in line social story is a great, visual resource. Many students with autism are visual learners. This social story is perfect to use for visual learners. It can be used with special education and autism students. But, it can also be used with any child who enjoys picture books and short stories….

  • Biting Social StoryBiting Social Story

    Biting Social Story


    This social story is a great read for students who may need some support with biting. A lot of children bite others as a sign of frustration, anxiety, pain etc. – sometimes we may even find no explanation for why they are biting but hopefully this social story will help reduce biting behaviours.

  • Calming Down Social StoryCalming Down Social Story

    Calming Down Social Story


    This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help with calming down. The social story gives examples of different situations that may make the reader feel sad, angry or lonely and examples of different techniques that they can use to help themselves calm down.

    Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.

  • Colour Recognition Brag TagsColour Recognition Brag Tags

    Colour Recognition Brag Tags, Reward System


    These brag tags are a great reward system for you to use within your learning environment for color recognition / colour recognition. Each page contains 8 brag tags and there are a total of 12 different brag tags included in this resource.

    Simply pop them onto your student’s desks, hand them out when you feel they have been achieved, have individual student ‘brag tag’ books where they can collect them or invest in some lanyards and have them wear ones that they achieve!

  • Compliment Cards, Back to SchoolCompliment Cards, Back to School

    Compliment Cards, Back to School Reward System


    These compliment cards are a great way for you to build strong and positive relationships with your students. It can be hard trying to ensure you provide compliments to all the students in your classroom, so use these compliment cards to take away the stress and worry of that!

  • Custom Social Story

    Custom Social Story Personalized For You


    This listing is for you to purchase a customised social story that is a perfect fit for you and your student(s). This listing entitles you to one personalized social story where you can choose what theme you want, any particular wording you want included, symbols, sentences etc.


  • First and Then Autism VisualsVisuals Bundle

    First and Then Boards Autism Visuals


    These first and then boards are a great visual resource for you to use with your students to encourage them to stay focused and engaged on their activity. There are a variety of different ‘boards’ included for your preference as well as 68 symbols to accompany the resource.

  • Friendship Adapted BookFriendship Adapted Book

    Friendship Adapted Book

    This Friendship adapted book is a great way for students to work on what makes a good friend. Students read – or be read – the sentence on top of the page. They then decide if this makes a good friend or not a good friend and choose the correct symbol.