back to school

Showing 1–16 of 27 results

  • All About Me Lap Book


    This all about me interactive book is great for Back to School or the First Day of School to find out more about students, and be able to build relationships through common interests with other students in the classroom.

    It’s interactive and will keep students engaged and focused while taking part in this task!

  • Don't Say It Alphabet GameAlphabet Don't Say It Game

    Alphabet, Don’t Say It, Ice Breaker Game


    This alphabet themed game is a great way to start your year and get your students feeling more confident and comfortable in their surroundings – or you can even use it through the year as a quick, fun, yet educational game.

    This game can be done in pairs, small groups or even large groups! Comes in col and b/w option for your preference.

  • Sale!

    Autism Classroom, Set Up Your Classroom Pack

    Original price was: £42.00.Current price is: £30.00.

    This Autism Classroom / Special Ed Classroom set up bundle is a great addition to any Autism / Spec Ed classroom. Whether you are starting a new classroom from scratch or looking to update your current classroom with new strategies, this bundle will be perfect for you and your students. Each resource comes with instructions so you are able to implement them and use them in the best possible way in your classroom!

  • Autism Morning Work BookAutism Morning Work Book

    Autism Morning Work Book


    This adapted morning work book is a great way for your students to start their day in a consistent way and to help get them ready to learn. This work book will hopefully help get your students into a morning work routine where they are able to start their day focused, engaged and ready to learn.

  • Autism Afternoon Adapted Work BookAutism Afternoon Adapted Work Book

    Autism Resources: Good Afternoon Work Book


    Afternoon work books are a great resource to introduce to your learning environment. By having the afternoon work books out each morning for your students to complete will help them get into their daily routine. Many students who are diagnosed with ASD struggle with transition in the afternoons, especially after lunch or play time. By providing your students with a consistent routine each day, you will help to aide their transition struggles. This afternoon work book is designed to help get your students into the mindset to work and to help them get focused and engaged, ready for their next work tasks.

  • Autism Timeline SymbolsVisuals Bundle

    Autism Timeline Schedule Cards with Symbols


    These symbol cards are perfect to use as a class timeline/schedule to improve your classroom management, organisation and help students to visually see what they will be doing throughout the day and preparing themselves.

  • Traffic Light Behaviour PostersVisuals Bundle

    Autism Traffic Light Behaviour Behavior System Editable


    These traffic light behaviour posters are a great way for you to work on behaviour management within your classroom. This system will allow your students to have a visual behaviour management system and know how many chances they have left/have had.

  • Behaviour Good v Not Good Sorting CardsBehaviour Good v Not Good Sorting Cards

    Behaviour Sorting Task Cards Behavior


    These task cards are a great way to encourage students to work on understanding positive and negative behaviours. It will give students a visual opportunity to see what the behaviours look like that are included on the task card and then offer them the opportunity to choose whether the behaviour they can see is positive or negative. This can then provide you with the opportunity to discuss what you can see on the task card with your student – why is it good? Why is it not good? How might it make other people feel if we behave that way?

  • Bumble Bee Classroom DecorBumble Bee Classroom DecorBumble Bee Classroom Decor

    Bumble Bee Classroom Decor Pack – Editable


    This is a huge classroom decor pack that will transform your setting into a beautiful bumble bee theme. This pack contains almost everything you could think of to set up your classroom into your bee theme, however if you think something extra should be included, please feel free to contact me.

  • Circus Classroom Decor PackCircus Classroom Decor PackCircus Classroom Decor Pack

    Circus Classroom Decor Pack – Editable


    This is a huge classroom decor pack that will transform your setting into a mesmerising circus theme. This pack contains almost everything you could think of to set up your classroom into your circus theme, however if you think something extra should be included, please feel free to contact me.

    Most parts of this resource are editable, however there are a few that are not. If the part isn’t editable, it will state so below in the list of what is included.

  • Classroom JobsClassroom Jobs

    Classroom Jobs with Pictures


    These classroom jobs mini posters are a great way to introduce students to their role(s) within the classroom and how to fulfil those roles. By giving your students roles, you are giving them more responsibility and encouraging them to become more confident and independent learners in their learning environment. This resource contains 6 mini poster cards per page. A total of 37 different Classroom Jobs are included in this PDF.

  • Classroom visual rules bookClassroom visual rules book

    Classroom Rules Visual Book, Back to School


    This classroom rules book is a great, visual resource that will discuss the classroom rules with your students and why they should follow them. This book provides your students with a visual approach to learn the rules. It can also be left in your home corner and cool down areas for students to re-read throughout the year. This simplified rules book is a great way to introduce your students to your rules at the start of the year, especially during circle time/story time, where you can all further discuss the rules, if appropriate.

  • Compliment Cards, Back to SchoolCompliment Cards, Back to School

    Compliment Cards, Back to School Reward System


    These compliment cards are a great way for you to build strong and positive relationships with your students. It can be hard trying to ensure you provide compliments to all the students in your classroom, so use these compliment cards to take away the stress and worry of that!

  • Construction Classroom Decor PackConstruction Classroom Decor Pack

    Construction Editable Classroom Decor Pack


    This is a huge classroom decor pack that will transform your setting into a mesmerising construction theme. This pack contains almost everything you could think of to set up your classroom into your construction theme, however if you think something extra should be included, please feel free to contact me.

  • Conversation Starter Prompt CardsConversation Starter Prompt Cards

    Conversation Prompt Task Cards Social Skills


    These conversation starter prompt task cards are a great way to encourage your students to start conversations, different ways to engage in a conversation and to improve upon their social skills.

  • Getting Ready for School Adapted BookGetting Ready for School Adapted Book

    Getting Ready for School Life Skills Adapted Book Sequencing


    This getting ready for school adapted book is a great way for students to work on their sequencing skills but also to give them the knowledge and understanding of how to get ready for school- a very important life skill which can be hard for many of our students to master. This adapted book goes through each of the steps required to get ready for school, and help to promote independence during this routine.