calm down

Showing all 2 results

  • Behaviour Good v Not Good Sorting CardsBehaviour Good v Not Good Sorting Cards

    Behaviour Sorting Task Cards Behavior


    These task cards are a great way to encourage students to work on understanding positive and negative behaviours. It will give students a visual opportunity to see what the behaviours look like that are included on the task card and then offer them the opportunity to choose whether the behaviour they can see is positive or negative. This can then provide you with the opportunity to discuss what you can see on the task card with your student – why is it good? Why is it not good? How might it make other people feel if we behave that way?

  • Calming Down Social StoryCalming Down Social Story

    Calming Down Social Story


    This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help with calming down. The social story gives examples of different situations that may make the reader feel sad, angry or lonely and examples of different techniques that they can use to help themselves calm down.

    Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.