
Showing all 2 results

  • Autism Afternoon Adapted Work BookAutism Afternoon Adapted Work Book

    Autism Resources: Good Afternoon Work Book


    Afternoon work books are a great resource to introduce to your learning environment. By having the afternoon work books out each morning for your students to complete will help them get into their daily routine. Many students who are diagnosed with ASD struggle with transition in the afternoons, especially after lunch or play time. By providing your students with a consistent routine each day, you will help to aide their transition struggles. This afternoon work book is designed to help get your students into the mindset to work and to help them get focused and engaged, ready for their next work tasks.

  • Rooms of House SortingSorting Pillow into Bedroom Task Box

    Rooms of House Sorting Task Box


    Do your students need to work on their life skills and rooms of house sorting? If so, you will love this hands-on and engaging task box. On each task card, there is an image of a household object. Students need to identify what the image is. Then, they need to decide where they think that…