This book will help students to settle down and get ready to focus on their morning work. Many students may struggle with transition in the mornings, so by providing this work book as a consistent routine in their daily morning routine, it will help them to settle quicker and be prepared to work.
Afternoon work books are a great resource to introduce to your learning environment. By having the afternoon work books out each morning for your students to complete will help them get into their daily routine. Many students who are diagnosed with ASD struggle with transition in the afternoons, especially after lunch or play time. By providing your students with a consistent routine each day, you will help to aide their transition struggles. This afternoon work book is designed to help get your students into the mindset to work and to help them get focused and engaged, ready for their next work tasks.
This adapted work folder contains a huge variety of different activities for students to work on which can either be put into a work book for your students to work their way through or can be kept as individual activities to pull out through different sessions.
The activities included are perfect for students to work on a variety of skills in an interactive and autism friendly way. This adapted book comes with 2 levels of the work pages so you are able to differentiate for your students individual abilities.