Social Story Greeting People I Know


This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help to understand the process of greeting people that they know, and how they can do this.

Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.

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This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help to understand the process of greeting people that they know, and how they can do this.

Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.

Comes in col option only – no b/w availability, however you can print in grayscale.

Pages included are;
♦ I have lots of family and friends.
♦ Sometimes, I arrange to see my family and friends.
♦ Sometimes, I may see my friends or family when I am out.
♦ When I see someone I know, it is polite to say “Hello.”
♦ There are lot of ways that I can say hello and greet people I know.
♦ I can say “Hello!”
♦ I can call their name and wave to them.
♦ I can shake their hand.
♦ I can wave.
♦ I can give them a quick hug.
♦ They may be too busy and only have time to say a quick hello to me.
♦ Sometimes, my friends or family may stop and talk to me.
♦ Some people may not like me giving hugs. I should ask first.
♦ Sometimes, my friends or family may use sign language.
♦ If I don’t know sign language, this is ok. I can wave hello.
♦ Close family members may give me a kiss on the cheek or my head to greet me.
♦ I should ask before giving others a kiss on the cheek. They may not want a kiss. This is ok.
♦ As I grow, I’ll learn how my friends and family like to be greeted.
♦ People will like it if I say hello to them.
♦ When I greet someone, I should remember about personal space.
♦ When I greet someone, I should use my quiet and polite voice.
♦ I can try and give good eye contact.
♦ When I greet others I am being a good friend.

You can find more social stories here.


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