Social Story My Friend Has Autism


This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help when understanding autism and is a great way to promote Autism Awareness through your learning environment.

Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.

This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help when understanding autism and is a great way to promote Autism Awareness through your learning environment.

Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.

Comes in col option only – no b/w availability, however you can print in grayscale.

Pages included are;
♦ I have lots of friends and they are all different.
♦ Me and my friends might like to eat different foods.
♦ We might like to watch different movies.
♦ It’s ok to be different.
♦ One of my friends might be diagnosed with something called autism.
♦ Having autism might make some things harder for my friend.
♦ But there might be things that they find easier than I do.
♦ Having autism means that their brain might work a little bit different to mine.
♦ This is ok, because everyone’s brains work different to each other.
♦ Some people’s brains like to think about animals.
♦ Some people’s brains like to think about food.
♦ Sometimes my friend might go to a therapist to help them.
♦ My friend might have someone work with them to help them when they get stuck.
♦ Sometimes my friend might find it hard to talk about what they are thinking.
♦ Sometimes my friend might find it hard to play with me and my friends.
♦ Sometimes my friend might get anxious and need time to calm down.
♦ I can help my friend by letting an adult know or giving them some space to calm down.
♦ Sometimes I might find loud noises hurt my ears – like fire engines.
♦ My friend might find other noises hurt their ears – noises that I don’t mind.
♦ My friend might not like to be touched, they might not like having hugs or high fives. I can wave to them instead.
♦ Having autism makes my friend different, but different is good, we are all different.
♦ No two people are the same, so we should celebrate our individualities.
♦ I can ask my friend or an adult how I can help them and be a good friend to them.
♦ In class we can learn more about autism.
♦ I can also have a look online, read books or watch videos to find out more about autism.
♦ We can also take part in Autism Awareness activities to learn more.
♦ The most important thing to remember is my friend with autism, is still my friend.

You can find more sensory stories here.


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