Animal Don’t Say It, Ice Breaker Game


This animal themed game is a great way to start your year and get your students feeling more confident and comfortable in their surroundings – or you can even use it through the year as a quick, fun, yet educational game. This game is a great way for your students to learn more about animals, how to describe them and also how to recognise the different animals.

The cards in this game are all linked to the theme of Animals.

This animal themed game is a great way to start your year and get your students feeling more confident and comfortable in their surroundings – or you can even use it through the year as a quick, fun, yet educational game. This game is a great way for your students to learn more about animals, how to describe them and also how to recognise the different animals.

The cards in this game are all linked to the theme of Animals.

This game can be done in pairs, small groups or even large groups! Comes in col and b/w option for your preference.

The idea is that each student has their own card (or more if you have spare), each card contains an animal and image i.e ‘bee’ – they then have to think of words to describe the bee, without saying the word bee, students then have to listen to the words and try to figure out what animal that student has.

This is a great way for your students to work on their describing words and to become more confident with their peers, and have fun!

I highly recommend cutting out and laminating each of the individual cards so they will be stronger and longer lasting. There are a total of 33 different cards.

On the bottom of each card are also some example words that the student can use to describe their animal. However, there are also another set of cards included without any clues/ideas for ways the students can describe the animals making this activity suitable for older students too!

The cards also come with their own cover and instruction cards, perfect for storing away so you can find and grab them quickly when you want them.


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