Autism Traffic Light Behaviour Behavior System Editable


These traffic light behaviour posters are a great way for you to work on behaviour management within your classroom. This system will allow your students to have a visual behaviour management system and know how many chances they have left/have had.

These traffic light behaviour posters are a great way for you to work on behaviour management within your classroom. This system will allow your students to have a visual behaviour management system and know how many chances they have left/have had.

Simply print out the traffic light poster you wish to use, laminate and put on display. You can then either use one simple peg and the class works together on their behaviour management system or have students individual faces put onto pegs and it gets used as an individual management system as well.

This download comes with 3 options; powerpoint editable, keynote editable and PDF non-editable for those who just want to print what is already available.

As well as coming with an editable option, there are also pre-made versions of this included which you can just print and laminate.

There are instructions on the first page included on how you can put together and use this resource in your classroom.


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