Baby Adapted Work Folder, We’re Having a Baby!


This baby themed adapted work book is great for students to understand more about babies or for supporting the learner who may be having a new baby arriving into their life. This adapted book will show them different things that may happen when ‘mum’ is pregnant along with how they can help mum and the baby when he/she is born.

This baby themed adapted work book is great for students to understand more about babies or for supporting the learner who may be having a new baby arriving into their life. This adapted book will show them different things that may happen when ‘mum’ is pregnant along with how they can help mum and the baby when he/she is born.

This resource comes with the option of two different covers;
– ‘We’re Having a Baby!’
– ‘All About Babies’

★ 15 activities included. ★

The activities included in this folder are;
♦ Mum is pregnant. This means there is a baby growing in her tummy!
Lift up mum to see a picture of a baby growing inside her tummy.
♦ We want the baby to be healthy so I can help mum by eating
healthy foods.
Look at the healthy foods around mum then choose foods from the selection to ‘feed’ mum.
♦ When the baby is ready to come, mum will go to hospital.
The midwife will help to deliver the baby.
Select the midwife/nurse from the choice of nurse/midwife and a firefighter.
♦ When the baby is born, we can go visit mum and the new baby in the hospital. We can put the baby into the cot.
Put baby into the cot.
♦ When they are ready, mum and the baby will come home with us.
Put mum and baby by the house.
♦ Today, we are going to take the baby for a walk. 
We have to put the baby in the pram.
Put the baby in the pram.
♦ Uh oh! The baby has a dirty nappy, we have to change their nappy!
Can you find a clean nappy for dad to use?
Help find the nappy from a selection of objects and give it to dad.
♦ Now we have to bath the baby. Can you pass mum the baby lotion
and a towel to dry the baby?
Choose the baby lotion and towel and give them to mum.
♦ The baby is thirsty. Could you give him his bottle of milk?
Choose from a bottle of milk and a dummy, give to baby.
♦ We have to get the baby ready for bed. Can you find her onesie?
Find from a onesie or rattle and put on the baby.
♦ The baby wants to play. Can you find his rattle?
Choose from baby lotion or rattle and give to baby.
♦ The baby is sad! Can you find his dummy to help him calm down?
Choose from dummy or bottle of milk and put into baby’s mouth.
♦ It’s bed time for the baby. Can you put the baby into the crib?
Put baby into the crib.
♦ Can you put the baby in the high chair for her to have some dinner?
Put baby into the high chair.

If there are any activities that you feel could be added to this folder, then please get in touch and I’ll be happy to try and help you. If the individual is about to have a new baby come into their life and you are still looking for more ways to help them understand the idea and become more comfortable with their upcoming future, I recommend looking at my social stories section where you can find different stories such as ‘my mum is pregnant’ or ‘my teacher is pregnant’ which may help to benefit the individual.

Watch this resource in action here.


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