Cause and Effect Activity Task Box


SKU: TeachAut922 Categories: , Tags: , ,

Are you looking for a cause and effect activity for your students? This hands-on and engaging task box is a fun way to work on this important skill. Your student needs to pay attention to the image on the task card and read the information on it. Then, they find the image that they think is what goes with the cause and effect scenario.


  • Print out all of the puzzles and pieces.
  • Cut out and laminate each of the individual puzzle pieces. This will make them stronger, longer lasting and reusable for the future.
  • Students need to match the images together to form the puzzles for cause and effect situations.

These puzzles fit perfectly into photo storage boxes. These make it easy for you to stay organised and keep all the pieces together for this activity. They also come with a cover for you to use so that you are able to quickly find the activity that you need.

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This activity is also part of the February task box bundle which you can find here. You can also find this cause and effect activity on Teachers Pay Teachers here.


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