Counting Task Box Activity for Special Education


I’m so excited to bring you this counting task box activity that is perfect for autism and special education classrooms. Do your students struggle with their counting skills? Are you looking for engaging task box activities? Do you want your students to work on their fine motor skills? Or number recognition? If so, this counting task box activity is perfect. Your students are going to love working on this activity.

Students need to use real crayons and place the correct amount into the crayon box. Each crayon box has a number from 0-10 on it. Each task card also comes with symbol supported instructions at the top. This is a great opportunity for your students to work on their instructional skills too.


  • Print out the task cards.
  • Cut out and laminate each of the task cards.
  • Provide students with crayons for the to place into the crayon boxes.

These task cards fit perfectly into photo storage boxes – making it easy for you to stay organised and keep all the pieces together. The task cards are for counting from 0-10.

Are you looking for more engaging and hands-on work task boxes for your students? If so, check out our growing collection here.

Or, find this resource on Teachers Pay Teachers by clicking here.


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