Greater Than Less Than Shark Task Cards


Are you looking for engaging greater than less than activities? If so, these shark task cards are the perfect addition to your maths activities. Your students will love using the sharks to identify greater than and less than.

What’s Included in This Resource?

  • 24 Task Cards. (Numbers up to 10)
  • Sharks in the form of; greater than, equal to and less than.

How Do I Use This?

  • Students use their sharks to place into the middle of two images on each task card. The shark needs to be displaying the correct math symbol; greater than, less than or equal to.


  • Print out the included task cards and shark math images.
  • Laminate all of the pieces.
  • Place velcro onto the back of the shark math images and onto the empty box in between the fish tank images on the task cards.

These task cards are fun and engaging to add to your maths activities. Is shark week coming up? These are perfect to use with your students to celebrate shark week. And your students will still be working on important maths skills.

Have you seen our collection of task box activities? You can view them all here.

Want to get this resource from Teachers Pay Teachers instead? View it here.


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