Gunpowder Plot Story for Kids | Simplified Story


Are you looking for a simplified Gunpowder Plot story for kids? Do you want to teach your students about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot? If so, this simplified story is perfect for you to use.

This Gunpowder Plot story for kids contains a simplified version of the story. It comes with bright and eye-catching graphics to keep your students engaged throughout the story, as well as providing them with a visual reference.


  • Print out the included pages.
  • Cut out each of the pages (2 mini pages come per actual printable page) and laminate.
  • Bind together as a book.

You can use this as part of your literacy lessons, group reading activities or even as part of your classroom library. You can also use the story pages as a sequencing activity with your students.

This resource comes in both col. and b/w option for your printing preference. I love to keep this story in the classroom library, even after Bonfire Night has gone. My kids have always loved flicking through it and looking at the different images on the pages.

You can find more Bonfire Night resources here. Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram to show us how you use this resource.


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