Mardi Gras Color Recognition Adapted Books for Special Education
Are you looking for hands-on and engaging resources for your Mardi Gras math activities? Do your students need to work on their color recognition skills? If so, these fleur-de-lis theme color recognition adapted books are perfect to use with your students.
On each page of this adapted book, your students will be faced with an image of a fleur-de-lis in a different color. Students have to find the symbol for the color that the fleur-de-lis is. This is a great opportunity for students to work on their color recognition and language skills too.
** Comes in both spelling options (color/colour) **
- Print out all of the pages.
- Cut out and laminate each of the pages and bind them into an adapted book.
- Cut out and laminate each of the individual symbols and place velcro onto the back of them.
- Laminate the final base – the baseboard – and add velcro onto these.
- Place the individual symbols onto the baseboard. Students choose the symbols from the baseboard to place onto the adapted book as they complete it.
What’s Included?
- Level 1 Color Recognition Adapted Book – “blue” “gray”
- Level 2 Color Recognition Adapted Book – “blue fleur-de-lis” “gray fleur-de-lis”
- Level 1 Colour Recognition Adapted Book – “blue” “grey”
- Level 2 Colour Recognition Adapted Book – “blue fleur-de-lis” “grey fleur-de-lis”
This adapted book is a great way for your students to work on their color recognition skills. A vital skill that will help them in the future.
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