November No Prep Writing Prompt Worksheets


This resource contains 14 different, no prep writing prompt worksheets linked to the month of November. These worksheets are great time fillers and a great way to encourage students to use their imagination and work on their creative writing skills.

All the worksheets comes in b/w option and are no prep – simply print and go. These are great to have on hand for literacy centers, sub plans or even time fillers for your early finishers who are ready to move onto the next task before others.

This resource contains 14 different, no prep writing prompt worksheets linked to the month of November. These worksheets are great time fillers and a great way to encourage students to use their imagination and work on their creative writing skills.

All the worksheets comes in b/w option and are no prep – simply print and go. These are great to have on hand for literacy centers, sub plans or even time fillers for your early finishers who are ready to move onto the next task before others.

The worksheets contain an image with the start of a sentence at the top of the worksheet with writing lines underneath for students to finish the sentence. This provides your students with the start of their writing to give them that additional prompt that they may need to get started.

This pack covers;
♦ Remembrance Day / WW1
♦ Thanksgiving
♦ Bonfire Night
♦ Black Friday Shopping
♦ Steve Irwin Day

You can find more Autumn/Fall resources here.


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