Social Story Going to Church


This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help to understand what to expect when they go to church on a Sunday and how they should behave.

Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.

SKU: TeachAut405 Category: Tags: ,

This social story is a great read for students who may need some support and help to understand what to expect when they go to church on a Sunday and how they should behave.

Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.

Comes in col option only – no b/w availability, however you can print in grayscale.

Pages included are;
♦ This is a church.
♦ On Sundays, I may go to church.
♦ When I go to church, I need to be quiet.
♦ I might sit on a bench, called a pew.
♦ My family will sit down with me.
♦ We may sing songs during our time at church.
♦ I can join in singing the songs.
♦ If I am tired I can sit back down on the pew.
♦ During the service, we may say a prayer to God.
♦ When we say a prayer, I should put my hands together and listen.
♦ Some people may read parts of the Bible during our service.
♦ I should listen to the people reading the Bible. This helps me learn more.
♦ If I don’t understand something, I can ask my family to explain later.
♦ Once the service is finished, I can talk to my friends and family.
♦ Sometimes, we may have a drink together after the service.
♦ Once the service is finished I can go home.
♦ My family will be very happy that I was good in church.

You can find more social stories here.


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