Thanksgiving Wh- Questions and Scenes


This Thanksgiving themed wh- question pack is a great way for students to work on their wh- question skills as well as continuing the theme of Thanksgiving through your learning environment. Each scene comes with 10 different wh- questions provided. Students then have to answer these questions – either verbally or non verbally. This is a great way to test your students attention to detail, listening skills and answering skills.

This Thanksgiving themed wh- question pack is a great way for students to work on their wh- question skills as well as continuing the theme of Thanksgiving through your learning environment. Each scene comes with 10 different wh- questions provided. Students then have to answer these questions – either verbally or non verbally. This is a great way to test your students attention to detail, listening skills and answering skills.

This resource contains 5 different ‘Thanksgiving’ themed scenery images accompanied with two different types of recording sheets/questions.

Each scenery image comes with:
♦ non-verbal question/recording cards
♦ verbal question/recording cards

to suit individual student needs. The question/recording cards also come with space to record two different dates to track student progress. The image scenes are easily matched to the question cards for your quick reference.

The wh- questions included in this packet are; who, what, where.

A great way to improve student understanding, attention to detail and question/answering techniques.

This resources comes in col option only – there is no b/w option.

You can find more Thanksgiving resources here.


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