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Special Education Classroom Wish List

I love that so many of you will often be given money that you can spend in your classrooms. But, it’s also one of the most common questions I get asked – “What should I get with this money?” So, today, I’m sharing my top items for your special education classroom wish list.

Before we start, if there’s things that you want on this list, but you don’t have the funds available. Head on over and read this blog post about my top fundraising ideas for your school or classroom.

Links included throughout this blog post may be Amazon affiliate links.

Flexible Seating

Many of our students will really benefit from having flexible seating options in your classroom. Having beanbags in the book corner, or floor desks. You can even get exercise ball chairs to sit on. All of these provide a variety of options for your students to help them be comfortable and remain focused and on task.

Sensory Items

Your students will often have ways that help them to self-regulate. And this is where sensory items and fidgets can be really beneficial. Some of my most popular ones are;

Sensory Room / Corner

You may be lucky enough to have a sensory room in your classroom – if not, a sensory corner can also be very beneficial, so long as it’s blocked off correctly. Kitting out the sensory room is a task that I look forward to each year. And that’s because I know how much my students really benefit from this room. So… what are some items I’d recommend for this? Read on..

Cookery Sessions

My students have always loved to cook. And having access to cooking materials in the classroom makes this session so much easier, and less stressful. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a kitchen in their classroom. But, even if you don’t, there’s still other things that you can make together! Below are a list of some of the things that I find most helpful for our cookery sessions.

Work Stations

Independent work stations have always worked really well for our students. They enjoy having their own work desk and it really helps to improve their focus. There’s a few things that I like to make sure we have available for our work stations, and they are;


There are SO many resources that I love to use with my students. But, I thought I’d list my top 10 that I feel are the most helpful. All of these are available on TeachersPayTeachers for you too!

Bathroom Area

This is a very important area. You want your students to feel comfortable here, and be willing to go here when needed. Depending on your classroom and students, you may be using this for nappy changing and toilet training too. I’ve included some of my must-haves down below;

Stationary And Organisation

These are my must-have stationary resources for the classroom.

General Classroom Resources

Those are some of my must-haves for the special education classroom. These are things that I have used over the years, and they’ve always been beneficial and long-lasting.

It’s definitely worth putting together an Amazon wish list for your classroom – using the items above to add – and then share it around social media! If you have an Amazon wish list for your classroom, tag me on Instagram and I’ll share it to my stories for everyone to help you clear that list!

Do you have any classroom must-haves for special education that I’ve missed off this list? If so, leave a comment below! I’d love to hear about your must-haves too.

And if you find this blog post helpful, please consider sharing it with your friends and colleagues on social media.

Special Education Classroom Wish List

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