This ‘Bunny in Love‘ wh- questions adapted book is perfect for working on wh- questions this February and Valentine’s Day.
Are you looking for hands-on and engaging resources for your students? Do your students need to work on recognizing symbols and answering wh- questions? If so, this Bunny in Love adapted book is perfect to use with your students.
Your students will be able to follow the Mr. Bunny and answer wh- questions with this fun and hands-on adapted book.
- Print out all of the pages.
- Cut out and laminate each of the pages and bind them into an adapted book.
- Cut out and laminate each of the individual symbols and place velcro onto the back of them.
- Laminate the final base – the baseboard – and add velcro onto these.
- Place the individual symbols onto the baseboard. Students choose the symbols from the baseboard to place onto the adapted book as they complete it.
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